Harmain Taxi Rides



Harmain Taxi Rides is our trusted partner, where you will find comfortable and affordable transportation in Jeddah, Makkah, and Madinah. We have developed taxi services that are not only safe and reliable but which also meet the requirements of Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages by:

Book a Ride and Enjoy the Journey

Harmain Taxi Rides provides a range of transfer services from one city to another to make sure all your holidays and New Zealand cruises are as easy and relaxing as they can get. Our location list includes the following places:

Airport Trans

Hourly Rentals

Ride Sharing

Package Taxi

Scheduled Ride


Ride in Comfort

A variety of high-quality new car categories that best meet your needs and budget

Hiace 12 seater

Staria 7 seater

Toyota coster 23 seater

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